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As a reader of Dr. Darnyelle’s book, you’re also part of the Move to Millions Book Squad, which gives you exclusive bonuses by helping us get the book in the hands of every business owner looking to shake the planet. Details for the Book Squad and these bonuses can be found below:

Your Bonuses

Check your email for links Move to Millions Docuseries, Move to Millions Resource Guide, bonus chapter, and the private podcast. You’ll also get a link to a bonus chapter, The Model of Financial & Spiritual Abundance.  You’ll also get your Zoom access to the Launch Party on November 14th at 7pm Eastern.

You’ll also receive the Navigating the Millions Messy Middle 4-Part Private Podcast when it is completed, and if you got 10 copies you’ll also receive the Move to Millions Affirmation Cards.

How to Use Your Copies

Put A Copy Into Your New Client Welcome Package

Send To Your Past Clients To Re-activate Them As A Part Of A Previous Client Campaign

Send To Referral Partners As An Extra Thank You For Partnering With You This Year

Mail To Prospective Clients - And Get Them Back On A Phone Call As A Part Of Your Shock And Awe Package

Use As A Raffle Prize For Live Attendees At Your Next Webinar Or Live Video

Give To Current Clients As Their Christmas Or New Year’s Gift

Gift To Friends Who Hate Their Job Or Want To Grow Their Side Hustle

Donate Copies To Local Non-profit Organizations, Shelters, Churches Or Prisons

Give Them Away At Your Live And Virtual Events

Send To Your Children, Cousins Or Church Family As Legacy Gifts

Copyright ©2023, Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon | Made with love by BT |