Virtual Launch Party Replay
Complete your 7-figure plan by joining us in Washington, DC May 22-24, 2024. Your MOVE starts with your decision to be in community with those actively leveraging the insights in the book.
Additional Resources for the Move to Millions®
There is no better person to talk about moving to millions than Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. Move to Millions®: The Proven Framework to Become a Million Dollar CEO with Grace & Ease Instead of Hustle & Grind is the book I wish existed before I ever started my entrepreneurship journey! A MUST READ!
Move to Millions is one of those books where you can instantly tell the author has walked the walk. Darnyelle has earned the right to write this book and we are the beneficiaries.
The information in this book is gold! I believed I could have a million-dollar business then I implemented the strategies shared in this book. Now, I have a million-dollar business. This book is a must-read.
Move to Millions is the truth entrepreneurs didn't know they needed. What I love about this book is that it will have you gasping for air with clarity. Darnyelle is proven, her clients are real and Move to Millions is a diary of entrepreneurial truth!
Darnyelle poured her heart and soul into this book. She knows the principles because she lived them. Move to Millions is a transformative guide for small business owners and entrepreneurs looking to take their companies to the highest heights they've ever achieved. Darnyelle triangulates spiritual alignment, operational obedience, and sales infrastructure as a formula to help any business move to its next level. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to elevate their business.
Darnyelle's previous books covered a variety of business success tips. Move to Millions is the in-depth comprehensive game plan that takes you from amateur level to being a professional entrepreneur ready to unleash your full potential.
Everyone has a Move to Millions® story inside of them. Yours will be revealed in the pages of this book. Open it and discover your personal blueprint to your next M.O.V.E.