Finally! Crack the code to a million dollar business without hustle and grind!
What got you to six will not get you to seven – learn our proven framework to scale and sustain a company that serves you financially and spiritually.
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Stuck on the 6‑figure plateau?
Cross over the million- dollar milestone with grace and ease!
Honorary PhD, and award-winning Inc. 5000 CEO, Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon has used her seven-figure consulting enterprise to help hundreds of her clients leverage the “Move to Millions Method” to progress toward and beyond the million-dollar mark. In Move to Millions, she shares paradigm-shifting truths to give business owners the confidence and step-by-step techniques to advance beyond the messy middle, and defy the statistics plaguing most small businesses.
Part memoir and part methodology, Move to Millions helps entrepreneurs simplify their processes to multiply profits. Known for breaking down complex topics, Dr. Darnyelle equips you to leave the headaches of scaling your business behind, so you can be empowered and edified without compromising your values in the process.

There is no better person to talk about moving to millions than Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. Move to Millions®: The Proven Framework to Become a Million Dollar CEO with Grace & Ease Instead of Hustle & Grind is the book I wish existed before I ever started my entrepreneurship journey! A MUST READ!
Move to Millions is one of those books where you can instantly tell the author has walked the walk. Darnyelle has earned the right to write this book and we are the beneficiaries.
The information in this book is gold! I believed I could have a million-dollar business then I implemented the strategies shared in this book. Now, I have a million-dollar business. This book is a must-read.
Move to Millions is the truth entrepreneurs didn't know they needed. What I love about this book is that it will have you gasping for air with clarity. Darnyelle is proven, her clients are real and Move to Millions is a diary of entrepreneurial truth!
Darnyelle poured her heart and soul into this book. She knows the principles because she lived them. Move to Millions is a transformative guide for small business owners and entrepreneurs looking to take their companies to the highest heights they've ever achieved. Darnyelle triangulates spiritual alignment, operational obedience, and sales infrastructure as a formula to help any business move to its next level. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to elevate their business.
Darnyelle's previous books covered a variety of business success tips. Move to Millions is the in-depth comprehensive game plan that takes you from amateur level to being a professional entrepreneur ready to unleash your full potential.
Everyone has a Move to Millions® story inside of them. Yours will be revealed in the pages of this book. Open it and discover your personal blueprint to your next M.O.V.E.
Is checking your P & L and realizing that you’ve made one million dollars CASH or MORE in one year in your business your wildest dream?
This book will give you a step-by-step framework to bring your dream to life (and position you to sustain it for years to come!)

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Who do you know who should know that a proven framework to become a million- dollar CEO with grace & ease instead of hustle & grind is within reach?
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Millions-minded leads to millions manifested," This is what Darnyelle so eloquently unearths through principle, process and practice in this must-have manual for entrepreneurs. Without gatekeeping or watering down what's required. Move to Millions® is a business blueprint that teaches how to gain leverage and leave legacy without sacrificing or selling your soul.
Your grandchildren say ‘thank you’ for changing your life by picking up this book. This book is necessary reading for anyone who wants to scale their business to the million-dollar mark with joy and ease. During my ten years as an editor at ESSENCE, I had the opportunity to interview hundreds of entrepreneurs, including three Black women who built billion-dollar companies: Oprah Winfrey, Sheila Johnson, and Janice Bryant Howroyd. Darnyelle stands out from them all. In this book, Darnyelle flawlessly packages her radical honesty, incredible insight, and sharp ability to coach you from where you are to seven figures and beyond.
Put down all the other self-help books piled on your nightstand and READ THIS NOW! Read it fast, then read it slow – and DO the work! Darnyelle has given you a soup-to-nuts roadmap to become spiritually and financially rich. She shares profound principles and practical strategies for building a business that serves the world AND leaves a legacy for your family. I have not found this depth of spiritual awareness combined with her acuity of business insight in any other book I've read... This is a Magnum Opus.
This book embodies the intersectionality of faith, business strategy, and inspired implementation. It won't just leave you a better business owner, it will leave you a better person.
Darnyelle has been given the anointing of magnifying one's potential greatness into financial success. So, if you want to balance that success while maintaining your sanity, this book will give you some of the metrics needed in a transparent and fresh way.
With many business coaches and mentors spouting the importance of hustle culture, Move to Millions® is a refreshingly insightful framework that proves that you can make millions without sacrificing what’s most important to you. Add this book to your strategic business plan now.
Less than 2% of all women entrepreneurs have revenues that exceed one million dollars a year. For the millions of women entrepreneurs who have yet to reach that revenue goal, Darnyelle offers inspiration and sound advice on how to get there. It's a must-read!

Listen to me, there is nothing wrong with desiring to make millions in your business.
Abundance IS your birthright.
Scaling to and sustaining your million-dollar company starts with holding the belief that you were born to make, move and leave millions.
Once you decide, this powerful book will guide you step-by-step.
Move to Millions shares in FULL DETAIL the proven framework that I and HUNDREDS of my clients have used to move their businesses toward and beyond the million-dollar milestone WITHOUT having to sacrificing their faith, family, freedom or fun in the process.
It’s your time AND it’s your turn!

When I first started my business, I had dreams of making millions, but that dream eluded me for YEARS. Once I finally hustled my way to the milestone, I hated it and searched for a better way so I quickly shrunk back into my comfortable low to mid-multi-six figure business. I knew I was meant for millions, but I had to find a way to scale and sustain without having to sacrifice everything I held dear in the process. Once I did, I reestablished my million-dollar company on a mission to help others do the same. Since then, we’ve helped 38 businesses cross the million-dollar mark and we are just getting started! I’m now clear that your business should serve you financially and spiritually and I am telling everyone I know how to make the move with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.
According to the American Express Women Owned Business Report, the average black woman owned business makes $24,000 a year and the average white woman owned business makes $142,900*. I’m so happy to report that through my Move to Millions® Method and our Move to Millions® Mastermind, in 2022, all 40 members made more than $24,000 in a year, month, week, day and some in an hour AND…
more than 85% exceeded $142,900 last year as we celebrated adding 5 new Million-Dollar CEOs from our mastermind!
Move to Millions is a step-by-step framework for scaling to and sustaining your million-dollar company.
Darnyelle seamlessly weaves together real-life experiences and real-world experiences to provide a surefooted blueprint to genuine success. As someone who personally knows Darnyelle. and is intimately familiar with the efficacy that her work has in bringing real results to the lives of those blessed to know her, I am excited to see more people able to tap her wisdom and create real lasting legacy in the world.
Darnyelle’s makes the Move to Millions® as easy as following her simple, step-by-step recipe. This book reveals degrees of knowledge and wisdom I have rarely seen in writing before.
If you’re an entrepreneur, and you read only one book this year, let it be Move to Millions®: The Proven Framework to Build a Million Dollar Company with Grace & Ease Instead of Hustle & Grind.
I loved this book! If you are a business owner, or want to become one someday, you need to read this book and follow Darnyelle's directions. She's sharing what she's learned on her way to becoming a millionaire, and you can't help but increase your success as a result. Plus, she's sharing life-changing wealth-building strategies while improving your relationship with God. What more could you hope for?
Move to Millions is a must read whether you're already a million-dollar earner or have millions on your mind. Darnyelle is divinely anointed to help purpose-driven entrepreneurs elevate exponentially both financially and spiritually.
Darnyelle is the long-time go to source for wealth creation. Move to Millions® is her blueprint of success, which everyone can follow. Move to Millions®, is about creating wealth the smart way. Darnyelle has proven that it's possible with persistent and purposeful actions.
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